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Submit an Abstract

Abstract submission is now open. Read the information below and submit your formatted abstract by the submission deadline of April 27, 2025.

If you experience any technical difficulty during the submission process, feel free to contact


Abstract formatting

  • Authors must submit their abstracts online through the paper submission system;
  • Abstracts submitted are reviewed by experts selected by the conference committee for their demonstrated knowledge of particular topics. Authors will be notified of the review results by email;
  • Authors must enter their abstract as plain text in the relevant box in the submission form (limited to 350 words), as well as a 1-page PDF version of their abstract using the specifications provided in the template below;
  • Authors' requests to be considered for an oral presentation will be taken into consideration, but the final decision to place a paper in an oral or poster session rests with the evaluation committee.

Abstract Requirements

Abstracts may be no longer than 1 page, including all text, figures, and references. Please note that, after the submission deadline, the list and the order of the authors cannot be modified.

File Size Limit

Authors will be permitted to submit files up to 10 MB.

Writing Language

English is the official language of the conference. As a result, all papers must be entirely submitted (and presented) in English.


Submit your abstract

Before you begin the submission process, please prepare the following information:

  1. Presenting author's contact information:
    • Full given name and family name
    • Main affiliation details: institution, address, city, province/state, country, post/zip code
    • Email address
    • Phone number where you can easily be reached
  2. Co-authors' information:
    • Full given name and family name
    • Main affiliation
    • Email address
  3. A 1-page PDF of your abstract which you will be required to upload during the submission process.



After you complete your submission and upload your PDF, you will receive an automated email with your submission summary, your abstract number, and a link and access code that will enable you to return to your submission to make modifications at any time before April 27, 2025. No modification to your submission can be made after the deadline.

Conferium, the conference secretariat, will process your request and send you an official confirmation email when your submission is validated. If you have not received a confirmation in the 5 days following your submission, please contact us.